Eating Disorders Off Topic
Hosts Joy and Adam discuss topics Eating Disorder related and adjacent
Podcasting since 2020 • 29 episodes
Eating Disorders Off Topic
Latest Episodes
Men's Mental Health and Treatment Access with guest Eric Pothen
Joy and Adam welcome guest Eric Pothen to talk about his work as an ED Recovery Coach, how that integrates within the team-based recovery model, and the unique issues men experience in treatment access.
Season 5
Episode 4

The "Terminal Anorexia" Controversary
This episode we're addressing the problematic proposal of a "terminal" stage of anorexia. All-star guests Sam and Marissa are with us again to share their expertise about the controversial criteria and the effects it may have on tho...
Season 5
Episode 3

Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders with Sam and Marissa
Sam and Marissa are back to talk about how treatment centers too often fail neurodivergent patients and how we can better support those struggling to find treatment. Their work and information can be found at:FEDUP - Fighting E...
Season 5
Episode 2

Intersex and Trans with ED: Treatment Access and Provider Gaps with Sam and Marissa
Joy and Adam talk with guests Sam and Marissa about being intersex and trans. What it means, how they seek equality in treatment and find knowledgeable providers, if any. This is the first episode in our three part series with Sam and Marissa.<...
Season 5
Episode 1