Eating Disorders Off Topic
Hosts Joy and Adam discuss topics Eating Disorder related and adjacent
29 episodes
Men's Mental Health and Treatment Access with guest Eric Pothen
Joy and Adam welcome guest Eric Pothen to talk about his work as an ED Recovery Coach, how that integrates within the team-based recovery model, and the unique issues men experience in treatment access.
Season 5
Episode 4

The "Terminal Anorexia" Controversary
This episode we're addressing the problematic proposal of a "terminal" stage of anorexia. All-star guests Sam and Marissa are with us again to share their expertise about the controversial criteria and the effects it may have on tho...
Season 5
Episode 3

Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders with Sam and Marissa
Sam and Marissa are back to talk about how treatment centers too often fail neurodivergent patients and how we can better support those struggling to find treatment. Their work and information can be found at:FEDUP - Fighting E...
Season 5
Episode 2

Intersex and Trans with ED: Treatment Access and Provider Gaps with Sam and Marissa
Joy and Adam talk with guests Sam and Marissa about being intersex and trans. What it means, how they seek equality in treatment and find knowledgeable providers, if any. This is the first episode in our three part series with Sam and Marissa.<...
Season 5
Episode 1

Helpline Staff Continue to Organize
We follow-up with former NEDA helpline staff and talk about the future of services. We also lampoon a comically out-of-touch internal memo and how enormous privilege can exacerbate the Dunning-Kruger effect
Season 4
Episode 5

NEDA’s Mental Health Chatbot Wreck: We Interview Former Staff
Joy and Adam talk about the controversy around union busting and AI job replacement at the nations most notable eating disorder non-profit. We got receipts ya'll! We've also got former NEDA helpline workers with us to share some if that sweet t...
Season 4
Episode 4

Purity Culture and Eating Disorders w Amee Severson
Joy and Adam, with returning guest host Amee Severson, share stories of their religious traditions and how those experiences affected their eating disorder recovery. Processing and overcoming religious guilt as well as adapting to one's body af...
Season 4
Episode 3

Raising Intuitive Eaters? but... but... kids need structure! with Guest Amee Severson, RD
Our first of a two part episode with dietitian and author Amee Severson, Joy and Adam discuss her co-authored book, How to Raise an Intuitive Eater, and the challenges of getting buy-in from parents, "My kids would never eat vegg...
Season 4
Episode 2

"Can I be Vegan in treatment?" with Jenn Friedman
Joy and Adam talk with Jenn Friedman MA, MHC-LP about her new book, Veganism and Eating Disorder Recovery. It's a frank and enlightening conversation about the what harms happen in treatment centers when trauma is not treated, rather, often the...
Season 4
Episode 1

All or Nothing Moderation: Addiction and Sobriety in Eating Disorder Recovery
Joy and Adam talk about the frequent crossover of addiction/ substance use and eating disorders. Why do these two seem so frequently co-occurring? And what does treatment look like for individuals who want to get clean and go to ED treatment at...
Season 3
Episode 6

Finding long-term recovery: You can do it, too!
Joy and Adam share what eating disorder recovery looks like for them. and honestly I don't think we talk about food at all. we also have an update on the survivor coalition!
Season 3
Episode 5

The Eugenia Cooney Episode
We've had a few questions and requests about this one. Joy answers all of Adam's inquiries, like who is Eugenia? How is Eugenia? and WHERE ARE HER PARENTS!??!? Also, Joy regales us (again?) with stories of early LiveJournal pro-ana con...
Season 3
Episode 4

Welcome to the Survivor Coalition
Joy and Adam, along with guests Maddy and Hanna, lay out a road map for a survivor advocacy coalition and talk about what they have planned for the community and how we as survivors can achieve a seat at the table where decisions are being made...
Season 3
Episode 3

Mental Health and Muay Thai with singer songwriter Austin Lucas
Joy and Adam visit with singer songwriter Austin Lucas about coming up anti-fascist in a larger body, struggles with mental health in a changing world, and exploring sexual identity in the folk punk scene.
Season 3
Episode 2

Discovering Yourself in Recovery
Joy and Adam share how recovery gave them the opportunity to find and advocate for themselves to live an authentic life. For some that means joining Facebook groups for women who don't want kids, for others it means breaking out of your small T...
Season 3
Episode 1

What's in a treatment model: Exploring FBT, CBT, DBT
Adam has a lot of questions. 1. Do I need to choose a treatment model before inpatient? 2. Aren't they all just talk therapy? 3. Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?Joy.... HELP!
Season 2
Episode 5

“I’m Triggered… Now What?” We’ve Got Answers
Joy and Adam address frequently asked questions we receive from listeners and group members. Including: What the heck happens in treatment; Oh crap, I accidentally tried on clothes, now what; Can I even feel hunger anymore?N...
Season 2
Episode 4

Dr. Noom with guest Kai Hibbard
It's time we talk about Dr Mike and Noom.You may be familiar with both, or neither. Buckle up. Joy and Adam, with returning guest Kai Hibbard, take a deep dive into the influence-sphere of a troublesome YouTube doctor selling a pre...
Season 2
Episode 3

Leeeeeroooooyyyy Jeeennnnkiiiinnnsss!!!! And other game strategies for advocacy.
Are you a Tank, Mage, or Bard. A Soldier, Medic, or Recon?Joy and Adam discuss the importance of choosing combat classes in the advocacy community and how to work as a team and support one another on our mission -- advocate for ourselves an...
Season 2
Episode 3

Pop Culture Eating Disorder Tropes
Joy and Adam discuss pop culture eating disorder tropes and try to workshop a better movie and casting. Adam talks about hospital protocol and menstruation and glass tables. Joy probably says some stuff about parents who contribute to their chi...
Season 2
Episode 1

Navigating the Holidays with an Eating Disorder
Joy and Adam discuss common holiday issues individuals with eating disorder are likely to encounter and advice on how to get through difficult family situations. Also, BINGO!!Keep an eye on our social media for Dysfunctional Family Bingo ca...
Season 1
Episode 9

Boys Don't Cry - Or Should They? Talking Men's Mental Health
Joy and Adam talk about men's mental health. Why men should be encouraged to talk to each other, loved ones, and family about their emotions. Off Topics include Joy's dating history and Adam's love of Iron Man 3
Season 1
Episode 8

Chronic Pain and Fat Phobia in Healthcare w/ Kai Hibbard
Joy and Adam talk with advocate and author Kai Hibbard about living with chronic pain in eating disorder recovery. Off topic stories include Kai's time on Biggest Loser and moms (because, of course).
Season 1
Episode 7

Parent Influence: The Danger of Minimizing Environmental Factors and Survivor Voices
Adam and Joy talk about parents and their role in survivor recovery. Joy shares her experience growing up in an abusive codependent environment.
Season 1
Episode 6

Keep Fighting: A Story through the ED Treatment Business with Guest LGBTQ+ Advocate Krista Sturgeon
Joy and Adam speak with LGBTQ+ Advocate Krista Sturgeon about her experience as a non-binary individual seeking treatment during the 1990's into early '00s. She has extensive experience fight for treatment for herself and others, as such she's ...
Season 1
Episode 5